We use worldwide FedEx shipping to ensure fast and reliable delivery.
- Order Processing: 1-2 business days.
- Delivery Times: Once dispatched, the delivery times are:
Europe: 3-6 business days
USA & Canada: 5-6 business days
Australia & New Zealand: 6-8 business days
Rest of the World: 5-9 business days
FedEx Priority Shipping:
Europe: 1-2 business days
USA & Canada: 2-3 business days
Australia & New Zealand: 4-5 business days
Rest of the World: 3-6 business days
More details here.
United States: Duty-free for orders up to $800.
Europe: No customs duties within the EU. VAT might be applied.
Australia & New Zealand: Duty-free for orders up to 1000 AUD/NZD.
Canada: Info here.